This guide to the Acol style of bidding is meant to reflect what one might expect sitting down with a pickup partner and agreeing to play 'Acol' or 'Benjaminised Acol'.
Carding agreements are not part of the system, but tend to default to 4th highest, K from KQ, HELD and McKenney/Lavinthal signals.
Acol summary Responding to one of a Suit Rebids Weak No Trump Opening 2 level: - Standard Acol - Benjamin style Preempting Slam Bidding Competitive auctions Play conventions Important agreements |
Play conventionsCarding styles are not really part of Acol. They vary quite a lot, but "undiscussed" with a UK or "Acol" partner the following assumptions should be reasonably safe.
All of these are subject to variation, fancy, partnership discussion, experience etcetera. | © Chris Ryall 1987-2008