Acol summary
Responding to one of a Suit
Weak No Trump
Opening 2 level:
- Standard Acol
- Benjamin style
Slam Bidding
Competitive auctions
Play conventions
Important agreements
Responding to a 1 level opening
- Bear in mind that partner may be on the light side, but explore for major fit as you would in any system.
You should pass on 0-5, and an occasional bad six. Having made a call and heard a simple 2 level rebid you are more likely
to pass in Acol than in N American methods
- Try to express a major at the one level if you can.
Remember that opener calls 1
when 4-4 majors.
Occasionally with 5 spades, 4 hearts and few values you may have to lie
(treat as 4-4) unless strong enough (10+) to bid twice.
- Direct 1NT denies a bypassed major, and is 8-10 opposite 1
, otherwise 6-9.
As in other countries: responder's new suit after bidding 1NT is weak and to play!
- Passing on up to 6 HCP is safer at Acol, as opener has not called a strong two
- 2 over 1 is called quite light 9+ or even 8 with a fine suit. 2
always shows five cards
Minors can be 4 or even 3 if you can handle the consequences. "Modern" parnerships commonly agree 2/1=10+.
- 1 any - 2NT is natural (no major again) with good 10 to 12. Try to avoid this call, as you can develop and make it next round
- 1 any - 3NT is 13-15 balanced. Again better avoided in favour of approach forcing. "Stultifying" - (Terence Reese).
- 1M - 2M shows about 5-9. Ideally 4 card support, but often called on 3 trumps and a ruffing value. "Support with support".
Opener may bid 2NT or 3NT with a good hand and only 4 trumps, and responder should then exercise judgement.
Trial bids (say 1  - 2  - 3  *) show length 3+ in the strain with at least 2 losers there. Partner is asked for help.
He should call game with 2 top honours in the suit or (better) good trumps and an ability to ruff. With a maximum 2 level
raise game may still be on, but beware quick losers in the trial suit. Controls elsewhere should then be a consideration.
Either partner calling NT in this situation suggests we might have only 7 trumps
- 1m - 3m is 10-12, always 4 card support. New suit is now a stop - probing 3NT (or advance cue if 3NT later removed)
- 1M - 3M is 10-12, always 4 card support. New suit now is a cue bid (ace or void by default) suggesting slam
- 1M - 4
/ are variously played as splinter, cue, 1960's Swiss (sound raise
to 4, two aces) or the old-fashioned default of "to play". Opposite pickup I'd assume a splinter, but ideally you
should agree this. Splinters in majors and mid auction aren't for pick-up!
- Strong hands An immediate jump shift (strong jump shift) is traditionally 16+, and you may meet
the occasional dinosoar who does this in a shortish suit just to show points. The great majority of Acol players
can nowadays be expected to 14+ points and visions of 5 level+, and either an excellent single suit,
a fair-good 5 cards and good support for partner.
Other hands should just bid out their shape naturally. A 3 level new suit, or 4th suit at any
stage is forcing. A "responder's reverse" is GF and should always be 5-4. A common route with say 5431 and 3 cards
for partner is to bid out your shape, game on the last round. Playing 4 card majors - that clever splinter may not
work out too well if the fit is 4-3!
Be particularly cautious when either partner has made a limit bid. This includes most 1-3NT rebids
and simple or 3 level rebids of one's own suit. Some players will now pass returns to previosly bid suits.
However in the modern style any move at 3+ level over a limit bid (commonly 2NT) should lead to game, and few good
players would pass 3 of a major here. If in doubt use jump, new suit or 4sF for clarity.